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Student Services

Office of Federal Programs

We work with many departments within the Duluth Public Schools and the Minnesota Department of Education.  If you want specific information on Title I, Title II, Title III, Title IV, or Other Areas, please click on the links below. 

Main Office:

709 Portia Johnson Drive
Duluth, MN  55811

Darren Sheldon

Supervisor of Federal Programs

218-336-8700 x 1011

Sharie Blevins 

Executive Assistant Federal Programs

218-336-8700 x 2835


Families in Transition

Who is a Homeless Student?
Under McKinney-Vento legislation, homeless children and youth that lack a fixed regular and adequate nighttime residence and can include any of the following:

  • In a shelter (family, individual, domestic violence, youth or temporary housing
  • In transitional housing
  • In a motel or hotel
  • Doubled up with others because of lack of housing or economic hardship
  • On the street, in a car, a park, an abandoned building or other plae not designed for human habitation

Support Services
The Duluth Public Schools Families in Transition Program can assist families, schools and the community to:

  • Enroll homeless students in a stable education program
  • Make transportation arrangements that promote stability including school of origin if feasible
  • Gather school records from other locations
  • Distribute school supplies and make referrals to agencies that meet basic needs
  • Increase awareness and support in the community regarding conditions of homelessness
  • Be an advocate within the school system as well as in the community helping assure homeless students are respected and addressed

Self Identification Intake Form

Dispute Form

MN Department of Education Dispute Form and Procedure

Kaitlyn Jamar

Families in Transition, Coordinator

Your Donation Can Make a Positive Impact and Help Youth In Need

Area Resources