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Assessment is the process of gathering evidence of student learning to guide educational decisions. Assessments are designed to provide information about student learning for a particular purpose, and the purposes and uses of assessment information differ at each level of the educational system (classroom, district/schools, and state). In other words, there is no single assessment that can be used to support all purposes and uses. The Duluth Public Schools strives to utilize a comprehensive and balanced assessment system that includes a variety of assessment types, each with a clear purpose, providing useful results across the system.

Research Requests
The Department of Assessment and Evaluation manages all requests to conduct research within the Duluth Public Schools. 

All requests to conduct research in the Duluth Public Schools must be approved by the Grants, Research, and Partnerships Committee. To apply for consideration: 

  • Complete Research Request Form
  • Forward an electronic copy of your approved IRB application to Anthony Bonds at

Once submitted, you will be notified of the date that the Grants, Research, and Partnerships Committee will review your request;  you may be asked to attend the meeting, depending on the complexity of your request.  You will receive an email with the committee's decision as well as next steps, within 1-2 business days.


Wendy Braun
Executive Assistant

Main Office:

709 Portia Johnson Drive
Duluth, MN  55811

218-336-8700 x1039